WESTERN RED CEDAR Thuja plicata A large softwood, the largest of the North American cedars, found in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Heartwood is a pale brown to dark brown in appearance; the texture is fine with a straight grain. Western Red Cedar is too soft to use as decking but for screening and most outdoor joinery work it is one of the best materials to use. It is light, very easy to work with and will not require as much labor as hardwoods when its oiled as it holds oils and stains much better and for a longer amount of time that almost every other timber species. Western Red Cedar can be a little more expensive but can even itself out with the lower labor requirements and the longer lasting finishes you will get. It also weathers very well outside with less surface check and natural movement than most other timbers. Class 2 above ground -Termite resistant – BAL Low – Non Leaching – Janka hardness 2.0 Standard sizes are – 42×19, 40×40, 65×19, 90×19, 140×19, 190×19 other sizes available